Preparing For Another Run at Susitna

I’ve been spending the past several months training for my second running of the Susitna 100, coming up in two weeks from today. We’ve had another interesting winter here in Alaska, with not a lot of snow, and it hasn’t gotten particularly cold until just recently. The extended forecast doesn’t go out all the way […]

CNN Story and Video from Susitna 100

It’s live! Here’s the story and video that CNN did on me for the Susitna 100. There’s also a photo gallery here. I’m really happy with how it turned out, it’s just too bad that they had to cut it down so short. I know they got lots of great footage that didn’t make it […]

Susitna 100 Race Report

After much preparation and stressing over gear choices and my sled, the Susitna 100 finally arrived. As if running 100 miles in the middle of the Alaskan winter wasn’t going to be hard enough on its’ own, it turned out that I was also going to haveĀ a CNN film crew following me! Let me take […]

Adding a Cover to My Sled for Susitna 100

These past couple of weeks, we’ve had several good dumps of snow in the Anchorage area. This has meant lots of long runs dragging my sled through deep snow. Aside from this being really hard work, I also quickly learned that I needed a cover for my sled before race day. My sled was taking […]

Building My Sled for the Susitna 100

As part of my preparation for the Susitna 100 next month, I had to build a sled to haul my 15+ pounds of required gear. Much to my frustration, I had trouble finding much good information online on building a sled for winter running. I did find some decentĀ information on building a pulk, but those […]