Preparing For Another Run at Susitna

I’ve been spending the past several months training for my second running of the Susitna 100, coming up in two weeks from today. We’ve had another interesting winter here in Alaska, with not a lot of snow, and it hasn’t gotten particularly cold until just recently. The extended forecast doesn’t go out all the way to race day yet, but it’s currently showing temps in the mid 30s at the start of race week. We could end up with even higher temps than last year!

I feel much more confident going into the race this year, now having done it once before. With a long race like this in the winter, there are just so many different variables and things that can go wrong. I’ve already got my sled situation figured out, and I won’t have a camera crew following me this year, all I have to do is run 100 miles in the middle of the Alaskan winter – easy peasy!

I’ve had the good fortune lately to be able to do most of my long runs with a group, which has certainly helped. Two weekends ago, I ran a 30 miler pulling my sled in single digit temperatures, and was very thankful to have friends out there with me.

There have been many early mornings in the past weeks and months, preparing my body and mind for the many long miles that await me at Susitna.

I’m looking forward not only to the challenge of the race, but also to being “out there” for many hours with friends old and new. I’ve said it before, but especially up here with a relatively small ultra community, these races are a lot like a family reunion. I can’t wait to see everyone and spend some (or a lot of) time on the trail with them.

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