Disney World Goofy Challenge Recap

After 13 hours of air travel with 2 sick kids, I’m finally back home in Alaska after last weekend’s Disney World Goofy Challenge in Orlando. The Disney World Marathon weekend consists of the Donald Duck 1/2 Marathon on Saturday, followed by the Mickey Mouse Marathon on Sunday. The Goofy Challenge has you run both races. […]

Glacier 1/2 Marathon Recap

Spoiler alert: HOLY PR BATMAN! Going into this race, I said that my goal time was 1:42. Of course, in the back of my mind, I had a “stretch” goal of 1:40. I planned to run the first half on pace for 1:42 and see how I felt after that. The weather was perfect (overcast, low […]

Setting a Race Goal: How Low Can I Go?

This Saturday I’ve got my first “big” race of the year, the Glacier 1/2 Marathon. I already saw at my 10k 2 weekends ago that I’ve picked up a lot of speed over the winter, knocking around 9 minutes off my time from the previous year. Since the snow and ice have melted, and I’ve […]

I’m Going Goofy!

My wife is what I’ll call a “planner”. She likes to have things planned out way in advance. We’ve had this trip at least tentatively planned out for close to a year now. So when registration opened up this week for the 2013 Disney World Marathon weekend, we signed up almost immediately. My wife signed […]

Zombie 1/2 Marathon Recap

On Saturday, I ran in the Zombie 1/2 Marathon here in Anchorage, my second 1/2 Marathon so far (you can read the recap from my first one here). I’ve been really excited for this race, mostly because how could a zombie-themed race not be completely awesome? Dressing up was highly encouraged (actually, I think the […]