Around and Around I Go

Late last year, I started to hear rumblings of a new race being organized for sometime this fall. Joe Fejes, who broke the American 6-day record by running 555 miles at Across the Years, was looking to organize a multi-day event at an indoor track. The Dome in Anchorage quickly drew his attention. And thus, […]

Sluicebox 100 Race Report

It’s been almost 3 weeks since the Sluicebox 100 up in Fairbanks, so some of the details are kind of fuzzy at this point. One of the things that I definitely won’t forget is sharing many miles on the trail with this awesome lady: I had met Sarah a few times before, but we hadn’t […]

Rocky Raccoon 100 Race Report

Considering how long it takes to run 100 miles, it’s okay that it took me more than 3 weeks to write a race report, right? Right??? Anyways, back at the start of February, I traveled down to Huntsville, TX to run the Rocky Raccoon 100. After running my first 100 miler here in Alaska last […]

Winter Racing and Final Prep for Rocky Raccoon 100

It looks like I’ll be continuing my recent tradition of packing multiple race reports into a single post. With much of the rest of the country caught up in the so-called “polar vortex“, we’ve actually had pretty warm weather here in Alaska over the past month or so. With Rocky Raccoon 100 just over 2 […]

My Next 100 Miler: Rocky Raccoon

After much deliberation and discussion with my wife, I recently signed up for my next 100 miler: Rocky Raccoon in February in Texas. Although I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the Resurrection Pass 100 earlier this summer, since then I’ve been curious what it would be like to run a more supported 100 miler, where I […]