A Pair of Overdue Race Reports: Equinox Ultra & Kenai River Marathon

I’ve got a few exciting things coming up that I want to write about, but I’m behind on my race reports and felt like I should get those out first. So here they are in a two-for-one special: Equinox Ultra Back on September 21, I ran the 40 mile Equinox Ultra up in Fairbanks. I […]

Gear I Used on My First 100 Miler

I had originally intended to include this list in my race report, but it was becoming so long, I decided to split this out into a separate post. On any 100 mile race, your choice of gear is important. For a race like Resurrection Pass that is almost entirely self-supported, it’s crucial. I consider myself […]

Resurrection Pass 100 Race Report

For something that I’ve spent so much time thinking about, training, and planning for, my first 100 miler kind of snuck up on me. When I first decided on Resurrection Pass 100 as my first 100 miler, it was way back in the middle of the winter, and August seemed so far off in the […]

An Awesome Day of Mountain Running, Followed by a Painful Lesson

After several years of lackluster summers in Anchorage, I can truly say that this summer has been amazing. Even if it rained every day for the rest of the summer (but please don’t!), I would still look back on this as being one of the nicest summers in memory. We’ve had tons of sun, with […]

3 Weeks Until My First 100 Miler

With summer now in full swing, training for my first 100 miler has been going well. I’ve spent some great time out on the trails with friends, and set a few new PR’s along the way. Now, there’s some catching up to do – between work, training, projects around the house, T-ball games, camping trips […]